The Niche is having a sale of Bromeliads starting this Easter Saturday, with a broad range of types represented. Stock will be updated as it becomes available or is sold. Prices range widely; something for everyone from the bargain hunter or landscaper to collector, for full sun to indoors:-
Loose Pups.
Various genera.
$5, $8 & $12 each.
Great for landscaping. Bold garden features; use instead of Agave. Bright shade to full sun, depending on the variety.
Plenty of extensa & glaziouana (above), with a few brasiliana & imperialis.
Good sized plants $30.
Large imperialis & flowering Vriesea fosteriana rubra in glazed pots. (top left)
$100 each.
The most widely known group of Bromeliads, popular for their compact form & coloured foliage, particularly when in bloom. Most prefer part sun or dappled light.
Mostly $12 to $25 each.
An increasingly popular group of plants, typically characterised by intricate leaf patterning & a lack of thorns, or grown for their brilliant flower spikes. Mostly medium sized, suited to dappled light, morning sun or bright shade. The best known forms are plants of the forest. Superb feature specimens.
Large hybrids & species $25 to $60.
These include Vriesea fosteriana, hieroglyphica , altodaserrae, platynema & similar types including some colourful hybrids.
Vriesea gigantea (above)
Vriesea gigantea ' Nova' (below)
Rarely available; seed grown $20 or 3 for $50.
Smaller plants $12 to $25.
This group includes Vriesea altodaserrae ($17) & some flowering varieties.
Tillandsia (Air Plants)
A widely misunderstood group of bromeliads that can exist as unattached plants due to their ability to absorb water & nutrients directly through the leaf. As a general rule grow them outside with air movement in morning sun or dappled light; water as you would the garden. The more silver or hairy the plant the greater its tolerance to sun & dryness; greener or leafy Tillandsias prefer greater moisture & shade. Most plants eventually die when grown indoors & misted.
Loose plants $7, $12 & $15.
Spanish Moss $8/ cluster.
Tropical to subtropical bromeliads grown for their splendid flowers. They require a warm sheltered position when grown outdoors & can make good indoor plants. Thornless leaves.
Guzmania Stephanie $15
Flowering size; locally grown from imported tissue culture. Red blooms.
Grown for both foliage & flower; Aechmeas tend to have thicker sun tolerant leaves & make good landscaping plants alongside Alcantareas.
Aechmea recurvata varieties $8
Aechmea lueddemanniana rubra $12
Xeric (succulent) Types.
This category include such genera as Dyckia & Puya.
Typical of arid environments. Full to half day sun with good air movement & drainage;
too much shade will knock these plants around. Some greener forms prefer shading from mid- summer sun.
Dyckia neiderleinii
$10 each.
Orthophytum 'Copper Penny'
$10 each.
Plants of various types on driftwood or bamboo.
Various prices.
Ring for further information
Ph 041 531 3258
4/ 368 Lawrence Hargrave Drive