Friday, 30 November 2018

Closed for the weekend.

Nursery is closed from Saturday 1/12/18 till Wednesday 5/12/18, reopen Thursday.

Thursday, 23 August 2018

Agave plants

Salmiana, parryi var. couesii, vilmoreniana, Blue Surprise, decipiens, palmeri (probably tequilana), Crème Brulee, stricta green form.

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Collectors Plant Weekend @ The Niche Nursery

The Niche Nursery is having an Easter sale focussing on plants of interest to serious collectors & enthusiasts.

 I have a very diverse range of plants that appeal to a wide range of growers, many of which will be available for the first time.

The sale will run over 3 days from Saturday 31st March to Monday 2nd April, starting at 9.30 each morning.

The nursery will close on Easter Friday to allow for set-up.

Sales are Cash only; bring your money and avoid ATM fees.

Discount of 15% applies to sales of $200 and over.

Bring boxes or similar for your purchases as bags are limited in number.

Bring a truck or trailer if you are after some of our larger stock such as Ghost Bamboo, Zebra Bananas or trees, up to 4m in height.
For those who know their stuff I will have some plants from my own collection available; don't ask me to point them out, just ask for a price!
Don't forget your Smartphone; there will be lots of plants you will want to Google!


For enquiries phone 041 5313258, especially if you are after something in particular, I may or may not have it.


Now for a few examples of what will be available:-

Hippeastrum aulicum
3yr old divisions of the clone pictured, some with flower spikes, 200mm pots.

$25 each.

24 available.

Divisions of 2 other rare species available; expensive and very limited.


Haemanthus / Scadoxus, South African Crinums, Boophane and related genera.


100 & 140mm pots

$7 to $15


Yellow / Cream clivia seedlings

140 mm pots   $12

Mature Divisions 200mm   $22

Ghost Bamboo (Dendrocalamus minor var. amoenus)

Ground dug 3m tall divisions, 300 to 400mm pots
$80 to $150.
Vriesea species and hybrids, most from renowned breeder Jack Koening of Port Macquarie.

Vriesea altodaserrae
Species from Brazil.

Miscellaneous Bromeliads and Tillandsia.

Tillandsia deppeana $25
 Alcantarea geniculata
Advanced seedlings $20
All types, from common to rare & desirable.

$5 to $????!!!!!
Many large plants in terracotta, rarely available for sale at this size.

Just sold the Sunglow.

Advanced Feature Succulents.

Rhipsalis cactus and relatives, & miscellaneous trailers for baskets.

Over 150 available in 10 varieties.

100mm pots     $8

Nepenthes & other carnivores. 

$35 to $60 each

Caudiciforms & Pachypodiums.

Petopentia natalensis
140mm pots    $25

Fockea edulis

140mm pots    $30

 Pachypodium lamerii

140mm pots    $20

100mm pots    $15

Succulents & Cacti.


140mm pots    $12

Zingiber, Hedychium & Costus
250mm pots    $25

Kaempferia obtusa

Possibly the clone "Raven" 

3 only in 300mm pots    $40

Alocasia Lime Zinger

140mm pots    $8


Amorphophallus konjac

Going dormant for winter
140mm pots    $10

Plenty of Tropicals.


Assorted plants and general nursery lines.

Look forward to seeing you at Easter,
